Thoughts: Walking With My Son

So, I don’t often walk with my son. Mainly on account of the fact that we are both lazy arse. I was therefore surprised when we got home after school this afternoon when he said to me “let’s go for a walk”.


It turns out that he wanted to hunt Pokemon and gain rewards from walking. Ok. I was up for it.

5kms later…

It reminded me of the last time us two went for a walk around the block. He was 5 (some 8 years ago) and my life at that time was about to change fairly significantly.

I remember clearly as he’d really pushed to go for a walk with me. Halfway around the block he looked up at me and said “why are you doing this walk”?

I replied “to lose weight”.

He considered this for a while then said “it’s not working”. Then “perhaps you should go on The Biggest Loser”.

I laughed then, and I laugh now. And no, it’s not working. Still.

I love the mind of a child.

Thoughts: Pokemon Go


So, as a 14 year old trapped inside the body of a middle-aged man, I HAD to sign up for Pokemon Go. And yes, putting aside the obvious issues around privacy and security, it’s actually pretty fun.

I’d pre-empted spending today with my kids (10, 13) by installing and learning this thing. It’s quite sophisticated. I’m loving the augmented reality aspect of it.


Getting out and about with them was hilarious. We found all the things. We captured all the things. We observed packs of teenagers all monitoring their phones and running around looking for Pokemon.

Such fun!

One thing I learned today is that the algorithm that creates PokéStops has selected secure sites that are home to a number of NZ’s infrastructure industries, and kids are breaking in to these sites to collect. Warnings have gone out industry-wise!

Yet another thing for me to obsess with for a while and connect with my kids over. They’re really my best things.



Thoughts: Losing My Voice

So. The last year has been challenging. I’ve had to revalue and reassess and make life changes that I really didn’t want to make. I had a pleasant non-confrontational existence that has been turned upside-down.

A client (former) decided that they didn’t want to pay me what we agreed to. And this action of theirs has put me on the back foot.

I’ve had to be incredibly guarded as to what I can say, write, vent. You know that this is a publication, yes? 

Dealing with this has meant that I have lost my voice. I’ve had opinions on so many topics but I’ve not shared. I have had to stop speaking in case I jeopardise my legal case against these people. 

I’m recovering. Successfully I might add. Happily, I have people in my world that care and actually give a damn. And have supported me and loved me.

My voice is coming back.