So… October eh?

I’m so glad this month is done. It’s been hard work. I’ve found it mentally and emotionally draining.

But it is cathartic to write things down so here goes:

Firstly the good:

Both my kids had their birthdays. Master turned 11 and Miss turned 8. Both had great celebrations, and one of the highlights was having Miss with me on her actual birthday, without having to juggle her with her mother. This is huge progress. Those that know me will understand.


The School Holidays were fun. I got to spend good time with my kids, which is something I value pretty much over everything.

I’m enjoying my clients and working alongside them, generating new business for them. It’s rewarding.

I enjoyed taking my son to the Armageddon Expo. This is becoming an annual event for us. Something special.


Then the not-so-good:

The School Holidays really disrupt my work. I do a lot of cold-calling for my clients and it’s important (for me) to maintain a flow. If I get out of routine, it’s really tough getting back into it efficiently. I need to work out a way of being able to switch on after being off.

Ongoing business fights are distracting. Hopefully I’ll see a resolution soon.

Attending a funeral, being supportive of my girl. It’s always hard seeing those close to you in pain, when you’re not that connected. But you get a terrific sense of those lost.


What for November then?

Birthdays, better weather, focus, fun. It’s time I had more fun. Fun is good.



Thoughts about Len

I’ve held off commenting about the Len Brown scandal for a while. I’ve been waiting to see how it will unfold.

I don’t really think there are any winners in all of this, except perhaps Cam Slater (feel free to argue this point)!

I don’t think the media (I’m looking at you NZ Herald and TV3) have done themselves any favours with their coverage, and probably worse, I don’t think we as ratepayers have been served well at all by them.

Seeing Rebecca Wright harangue John Palino last night on Campbell Live was painful. That was not the approach of a skilled, non-biased journalist. It was awful, and in my opinion, quite disgraceful. Does Rebecca really want to position herself as this type of interviewer? I suspect that this style is rather career-limiting in this country. Your Ordinary-Decent-Kiwi doesn’t like it.

The affair aside, I think we have an elected official that displays (on more than one occasion) poor judgement. He’s brought the Office of Mayor into disrepute. He’s abused a position of power with a subordinate. He’s broken the Council Code of Conduct. These are key questions that the Media hasn’t really made any sort of effort to discuss.

I don’t think this story will go away. I suspect there is more to come out.

And I think Len is going to have a very difficult (if not impossible) task leading this new Council and our fair city this term.

Funerals and Life

In the past few months I have had the privilege to attend the funerals of two grand ladies who I never met.

A privilege as I got to ‘meet’ them through the memories, the recollections, of those closest to them. Their children. Their grand-children.

Learning about them. Their lives. Their trials and their joys.

And more importantly, the esteem that was attributed.

Being an observer to grief is an interesting experience. Being there to support without knowing what was required was an honour.

Meeting extended family that I’d otherwise never meet was a challenge.

Finding common ground was cathartic.

These funerals have brought my present into stark relief. Whilst I worry about my day-to-day existence, I feel I need to pay a little more attention to the future. To the ‘what-if’s’?

At 44, one generally doesn’t think about mortality. More to the point, I know I still think I’m kind of a kid, one who is immortal.

What legacy am I leaving?

What will my friends say about me in the event of my demise? (I’m actually curious about this – feel free to comment!).

What will my family say about me?

How have I improved or added to the lives of those around me? Those closest to me?

Has my presence made a difference to them? Or am I so self-absorbed that I take from people more than I give? I hope not.

I really hope not.



So I unexpectedly got the opportunity to see Rihanna play Vector Arena in Auckland last night.

Honestly, I only really have a vague familiarity with her music. Except perhaps for ‘Umbrella’, which I had the misfortune of having to sing in a Singstar game against a friend and her two daughters. Over and over and over, as it was their (then) favourite song.

I didn’t have huge expectations, but I was looking forward to seeing a show.

Then something happened.

About 30 seconds into the first song, I realised that I was watching my second-favourite guitarist* ever, Nuno Bettencourt. This changed my concert experience instantly.


I loved the performance of the show. I loved the musicality of the show.

It looked like Rihanna was also enjoying herself.

It was a fun night.

* my first-favourite guitarist is Steve Lukather.